Paradise Massage & Spa

About Us
Welcome to Paradise Massage & Spa
Your licensed Bodywork at Paradise Massage & Spa can customize your bodywork to relax your mind and body, whose techniques will be uniquely tailored to fit your needs. Our goal is to have you quickly unwind and relieve you of any built up stress from your daily life. We also offer couples and group sessions to enjoy with your loved ones and friends. You are welcome to call us at 808-379-1023 to make appointment! We are looking forward to serve you. Thank you!
"When you touch one thing with deep awareness,
you touch everything."
- Lao Tzu
Our Services
Deep Tissue
Deep tissue is designed to relieve pain and muscle tension throughout the body. This type of bodywork is extremely beneficial because it reaches the deepest layer of muscles, fascia (connective tissue surrounding the joints) and tendons. The goal in deep tissue is to breakdown adhesions (tense areas within the muscle).
Couple Massage
There are a number of physical effects associated with massage therapy from which you and your loved one can benefit during your session. The reports said that scientific research supports the connection between massage therapy and short recovery periods for a variety of medical conditions. Among the conditions that may be eased due to massage therapy are musculo-skeletal disorders, fibromyalgia, insomnia, asthma, arthritis and depression. Massage therapy has also been shown to reduce stress and strengthen the immune system.
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